OB/GYNs have a unique line of work from delivering babies to doing all they can to make sure you’re healthy below the belt. But what makes someone decide they want to go into this field? We consulted Lacey Luneau, physician assistant in the OB/GYN department at Day Kimball Healthcare, for her take.
Serving patients is what drew Lacey into medicine. The most important aspect of her career is getting to know patients, and helping them navigate their healthcare journey.
The bond between a patient and her OB/GYN is one of the most unique in all of healthcare, because of this, Lacey deeply values getting to know the women that she cares for and experiencing some of the most important life changes right along with them.

“I love taking care of my patients during their pregnancy and hearing about their babies growing up as I continue to follow them for their routine gynecology care. There is a special connection you make with your patients as their support person during their highest highs and lowest lows, and a trust that you develop in a medical field this intimate” Lacey reflected.
Lacey was raised in Sheldon, Vermont, a small New England town where you’re likely to see more cows than people. She attended Clark University, Worcester, MA, for her undergraduate degree in biochemistry and went on to earn her Master’s in Physician Assistant Students from Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Worcester, MA, in 2009.
Shortly after completing her clinical rotations in general surgery and OB/GYN at Day Kimball Hospital, she was hired on to the Day Kimball Medical Group OB/GYN team.

In 2011, Lacey and her husband, Andrew, moved to Killingly, Connecticut, where she quickly settled into the Quiet Corner community, finding Day Kimball to feel a lot like the small town community hospital she grew up going to in Vermont. “Everyone knows each other here. There is always a friendly face when you need one, and a sense of true community,” she said.
Now a mother of four – Avery, 8; Aliza, 6; and 21-month-old twins, Adrian and Amaya – Lacey has a strong focus on health in her family life and says ensuring her children have every opportunity available to them is her biggest goal.
Lacey is a caring professional who values the health of her patients as well as that of her family. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with her, call (860) 963-6699.
Read on to learn more about Lacey in this edition of 13 Questions.
1. I grew up in: Sheldon Springs, Vermont. It’s a very small town in Northwestern Vermont, about 15 minutes from the Canadian border.
2. Who’s on your playlist? Currently Imagine Dragons, AJR, and the Black Keys. But my all-time favorites are Phish, Pearl Jam, The Tragically Hip and DMB.
3. What’s your favorite movie? The Shawshank Redemption, The Big Lebowski, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Anchorman.
4. What’s your favorite color? Pink. The pinker, the better!
5. What was the last thing you read? A medical journal! I haven’t had time to read an actual book since before my kids were born 8 years ago.
6. Who is your hero? Currently, I would say all of the front-line healthcare workers fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been a really hard year for everyone, but the providers that are going in daily to take care of these sick patients while putting their own health on the line are the ones that are really inspiring. It’s because of them that my family is safe.
7. Pets? I have 4 cats – Lucy Pizza, Lola, Luther, and Louise. Luther and Louise are siblings that my 2 oldest children got right before our twins were born, so they are essentially our baby twins as well!
8. Name something on your bucket list. More travel! The hardest thing about the pandemic has been that we haven’t been able to go anywhere. I would love to one day take my family on an African safari.
9. What’s your “go-to” comfort food? Mac & Cheese. I could eat it 3 times a day!
10. Smartphone, tablet or desktop? My smartphone is like a 3rd appendage lately!
11. People would be surprised to know that: I love to play poker. One of my shared hobbies with my husband before we had kids was going to the casino. We would spend hours playing Texas Hold’em and I would often win!
12. What’s your current health focus? To be more active. The winter months, coupled with the pandemic cancelling most activities, has significantly decreased my family’s activity level. We are looking forward to getting back into group sports and enjoying more family activity time.
13. What’s your favorite place in Northeast Connecticut? Downtown Putnam is a frequent spot my family visits for the many events they hold, like the Fire & Ice Festival and First Fridays. My kids always look forward to watching the bands play and visiting the vendors and local restaurants.
Top: Lacey Luneau, physician assistant in the Day Kimball Medical Group OB/GYN department with her four children - Avery, 8, 21-month-old twins, Adrian and Amaya, and Aliza, 6.
Middle: Lacey and her twins, Adrian and Amaya.
Bottom: Lacey and her children, Aliza and Avery, spend family weekend together at Downtown Putnam’s Fire & Ice Festival.